大师糊闹 Grand Master Meltdown
"For decades we have been coming together in cities across the world for skateboarding contests. But what makes these contests special is the moments adjacent to the skateboarding: The drunken shenanigans in the hotel lobby, talking shit with new friends who don’t speak English, breaking boards for no reason, yelling, raging and getting swagged out. That’s what this film is about - the culture behind the largest skateboarding event in Asia, but most of all, the feeling of being a skater."
AVENUE & SON present
a PUSH Shanghai production
Director导演 - Benjamin Mulinkosson刀老三
EP监制 - Effy Qiu
Producer制片 - Bunny Zhang
A&S Bosses 老板们 - Boss Xie, Stéphen Khou, Jeremy Hu
DOP摄影指导 - Yuyue
Ist AD/DIT副导演/教据管理 - Mike Mogler
Sound Recordist录音师 - Yida/小马
Ist AC - 小杰
Editorial剪特公司 - Leap Year Post
Editor剪棒师 - Austen Deery
Executive Prodncer剪辑公司 - Kira MacKnight
Color Grading调色 - 陈婷
Additional music其他音乐提供 by YouTooCanWoo
Audio post-prodnction 声音后期 by YouTooCanWoo
Supervising Sound Editor/Re-recording mixer/Dialogue Editor 声音设计总监/混音愉汁6声音编特师 - David Perlick-Molinari
Sound Editors 声音编库师 - Austin Mendenhall & Derek Muro
Sound Designers 声音设计 - Austin Mendenhall & Derek Muro
Producer for YouTooCanWoo声音后期销 - Lea Wulferth
Title Designer 片质设计份 - Dongbay
Title Graphic片知动画 - Mi Manchi
Poster by海报设计 - Mandi
Wham City - Dan Deacon
OP: Original Beatles Compositions
SP: FujiPacific Music (S.E. Asia) Ltd. (富士太平洋音乐版权(东南亚)有限公司)
Admin. by: 成都音轩文化传播有限公司
FAC-D12/SouthSideSamurai/九维 - la haine
Gennady - Ghettotrance(Darkle / Lilin Vocals)