ADai - GO Home
We followed Adai as she performs the song in a variety of breathtaking locations near her hometown in Western Sichuan. The city is mostly Tibetan and it’s called Aba Xian. Her mom and dad are both in the video and we even shot in the house she grew up in.
导演: Benjamin Mullinkosson
制片: 朱越琳(Zhu) 摄影师: 费艳秋
剪辑Editor: Leon Yan 调色:Simon Astbury
导演助理/Title Design: Casey Homovich 制片人: 杨洋(Y-SQUARE)
造型师: 钟梓欣 焦点员: Mike Mogler
摄影助理: 蹇艾伦(Allenjam) 张攀 Xian Chang
灯光师: Gennady Baranov 灯光助理: 鲜成, 王成武
化妆师: 陈程 艺人助理: 何忆馨
航拍师: 唐传发 司机: 苟正明, 熊华辉
平面摄影 - 王鹏
‘Go home
作词:Suadai Lyrics Suadai
作曲:Suadai Hz Songwriter Suadai Hz
制作人:Hz producer: Hz
Orchestra leads:
Band:Bangkok orchestra
录音棚:Studio 28 Bangkok
Recording studio: Sudio28 Bangkok Island Studio
Mixing&mastering: Alei
Publisher:Shen Lihui
Executive Producer:Shen Huanming