洛水迢迢 Shu Tong’s Last Haircut // Midea Branded Short
In the village of LongSheng, women are known to have the longest hair in the world. As part of traditional customs, on each girls 18th birthday she goes through a coming of age ceremony where her hair gets cut for the last time in her life. She then leaves the village and commences the rest of her life. Her long hair connects her to her roots in Long Sheng.
In this Midea branded short we followed Shu Tong on her final 2 days before she cuts her hair for the last time. In preparation, her Grandma gave her a speech to take with her into her future.
制作|ZEN STUDIO Productions
导演 | 笨笨
Director |Benjamin Mullinkosson
制片 | 何鸣春
Producer |He Mingchun
摄影指导 | 费艳秋
Director of photography| Fei Yanqiu
剪辑师 | 小麦
Editor | Mike Mogler
音乐制作|Dr. Ryan Somerville
Music by |Dr. Ryan Somerville
调色| 小麦
Color by |Mike Mogler
声音设计| 小麦
Sound Design by|Mike Mogler