”Pushing Chengdu“ 是怎样的一种感受? Randomevent®
Photographer: Michael Mogler
Video: Michael Mogler
Creative: Michael Mogler
Producer: Casey Homovich
Model: 647, Benjamin Mullinkosson, Genghis Liang, Dana Jeck
Assistants: Eric Olsson, Kayla Harris
此番特邀 Mike Mogler 以及他的团队为 Randomevent SS19拍摄了以滑板为主题的春夏特辑,以照片的形式叙述了一群热爱滑板的街头青年人的生活状态。国内外的青年人往往会因为自己热爱的东西而集结在一起,这就是文化的力量。
Mike Mogler是一位来自美国的滑手和摄影师。近几年都在成都生活。多年以来在拍滑板视频但是这两年开始做MV和其他的作品。他时不时在拍摄他的各种旅游经历和遇到的古里古怪的事情。
This time we especially invite Mike Mogler and his team to film the Randomevent 2019 Skateboarding themed Spring/Summer edit, and through photography give us a look into the wild days of street skateboarders. Kids from all over the world get together because of what they love, this is the real power of culture.
Mike Mogler is a skateboarder and photographer hailing from the Midwest of the USA. The last few years he has been living in Chengdu. For years he had filmed primarily skate videos, but over the last couple years has broken into new territory filming music videos and other works. Other than that you can always expect to see some top-notch photography from his wide array of travels around the world.
Mike Mogler:
这次拍摄其实就是想用镜头来像大家展现我们的日常生活,纯粹的成都街头生活。拍摄前我会去思考如何以最酷的方式呈现, 但其实因为它本身就是酷的,所以我们只需要回归日常就好了。从最开始我们就进入了状态,从朋友阳台上的DIY小碗池到另一个朋友的酒吧,我们一直拍摄到了半夜12点多,希望下次 ”Chengdudes“ 团队能把成都更具有特色的地方展现给大家。
”Chengdudes“ 是一家成都的小型媒体组织,由 Mike、Casey、Gennady 三个人组成,热爱滑板和音乐,给世界各地的滑手做成都的地形导游的同时以派对等多种形式使更多的国内外滑手找到归属感。
In reality, for this shoot we really just wanted to use our own lens to show what our lives are like to everybody, pure Chengdu street skating. Normally when planning for this sort of thing we try and figure out what’s the sickest way to do it, but because skateboarding is the root of all sickness all we had to do was our everyday. Even from the outset everything was tight, going from our DIY quarter pipe and ending at our friends’ Jam bar, packing everything in a little after midnight. For our next one we want to take everyone to the stranger and more mysterious parts of Chengdu.
Chengdudes is a small-scale media group based in Chengdu. It’s current members include Mike, Casey, and Gennady. They love skateboarding and House music. When they’re not tour guiding for traveling skateboarders they’re putting together all sorts of music and art events; always bringing the underground community together.